Best Way for Beginners to Learn Chess
Chess is an incredibly addicting and fun game that requires strategy and skills. This board game has been around for centuries and has been a game for scholars and intellectuals. But, playing chess does not necessarily mean that you need a genius brain. Most beginners playing their first game will have this questionable look on their face while looking down at the board and might be wondering, what the heck am I supposed to do with all these pieces? No matter what your age is, it is never too late to learn how to play this fun and challenging board game. 1. Learn from the Master Do you know someone who plays chess? Well, you can always ask him or her for some time to teach you how to play. You do not need to look for a literal “chess master” to explain the basics of chess. Just someone who is willing to teach you the rules and moves and you can always broaden it with your own. 2. Chess Apps and Online Chess Tutorials If you don’t know anyone to teach you the basics, there are numerous chess mobile apps and chess online tutorials you can download or watch to learn how to play. Some apps are complete with lesson and strategy tips for you to become an expert player in no time. Development Of Theory There are three recognized phases in a chess game: the opening, where piece development and control of the Centre predominate; the middlegame, where maneuvering in defense and attack against the opponent’s king or weaknesses occurs; and the endgame, where, generally after several piece exchanges, pawn promotion becomes the dominant theme. Chess theory consists of opening knowledge, tactics (or combinations), positional analysis (particularly pawn structures), strategy (the making of long-range plans and goals), and endgame technique (including basic mates against the lone king). Source: